
Showing posts from December, 2022

PCOS - Overview, Symptoms, Diagnosis and Treatment

  PCOS - Overview, Symptoms, Diagnosis, and Treatment PCOS is a disorder in which the ovaries produce an excessive quantity of androgens, male sex hormones that are normally present in small amounts in women. The term polycystic ovarian syndrome refers to a condition in which... read more #pcos Symptoms #pcos medical abbreviation #pcos treatment #pcos full form #pcos treatment in chennai #multispeciality #best #health

Appendicitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes and Treatment

  Appendicitis - Symptoms, Diagnosis, Causes, and Treatment The appendix is a finger-sized tube that connects the big and small intestines. It has no known purpose, but if it becomes inflamed or infected (appendicitis), you will require emergency treatment. An inflamed appendix can produce... read more  #Appendicitis  #Symptoms #Diagnosis #Causes  #Treatment #appendicitis symptoms #appendicitis symptoms in kids #appendicitis surgery

Diabetes diet plan

  Diabetes diet plan In recent years, diabetic patients have increased in India. This is linked to changes in lifestyle, physical activities, and dietary patterns. Diabetes causes your blood sugar levels to rise. This can result in a variety of health concerns, including... read more #Diabetes diet plan #diabetes diet plan Indian #diet plan #Diabetes  #diabetes slogan #diabetes symptoms #health #emergency #hospitals #sugar #multispeciality 

Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Stages and Treatment

  Lung Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Stages, and Treatment People who smoke have the greatest risk of lung cancer. It frequently has no evident symptoms until the disease is fairly advanced, and it has a dismal survival rate. Lung cancer treatment primarily consists of surgery and chemotherapy. Radiation therapy and targeted medication therapies are further ... read more #best hospitals in Chennai  #multispecialty #lung cancer #hospitals #lung cancer slogans #lung cancer symptoms #lung cancer treatment guidelines #lung cancer causes #lung cancer causes death

Common winter diseases and a guide to protect yourselves

  Common winter diseases and a guide to protecting yourselves In India, the winter season begins in mid-November and lasts until the last week of February. People experience health issues during these months as a result of climate change. People's health is affected in some way by shorter days and read more #multispeciality #hospitals #best hospitals #common winter diseases #common winter problems #common winter skin issues #common winter problems #winter skin care #winter skin care quotes #chennai #tamilnadu

Cervical Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Stages, and Treatment

  Cervical Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Stages, and Treatment Cervical cancer develops when cells in a woman's cervix, which connects her uterus to her vagina, alter. This cancer can harm the cervix's deeper tissues and spread to other regions of the body (metastasize), most commonly the lungs, liver, bladder, vagina, and rectum. The majority of occurrences of cervical cancer are caused by human papillomavirus (HPV) infection, which is avoidable with... read more #Cervical Cancer #cervical cancer symptoms #cervical cancer causes #cervical cancer treatment #multispeciality #emergency #be well hospitals

Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome

  Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome All you need to know about Acute Respiratory Distress Syndrome Acute respiratory distress syndrome, or ARDS, is inflammatory lung damage caused by fluid buildup in the lungs' tiny air sacs (called alveoli). ARDS inhibits the lungs from filling with air and results in dangerously low blood oxygen levels (hypoxemia). Other organs, including the brain, heart, kidneys, and stomach, are deprived of the oxygen they require to function. ARDS is harmful and can cause a variety... read more #bewell hospitals #multispeciality #emergency #Acute Respiratory #acute respiratory failure #best hospitals in chennai #chennai

Ovarian Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Stages, and Treatment

  Ovarian Cancer - Symptoms, Causes, Stages, and Treatment Ovarian cancer is cancer that begins in the cells of the ovary, fallopian tube, or peritoneum. The cancers are closely related and are treated in the same way. Certain cancers occur when healthy cells in these places begin to alter and grow out of control, resulting in the formation of a tumor. Tumors can be malignant or benign. A malignant tumor has the ability to grow and spread to other parts of the body. The term... read more # Ovarian cancer # Symptoms #Causes #Stages #Treatment #ovarian cancer symptoms #ovarian cancer symptoms female #ovarian cancer symptoms in Tamil #best hospitals in Chennai #multispecdiality hospitals in Chennai #multispeciality

How to Lower your Cholesterol Levels

  How to Lower your Cholesterol Levels Cholesterol levels that are too high are the major cause of heart disease. Because of the lack of symptoms, high cholesterol often remains unnoticed. What Is Cholesterol? Cholesterol is a type of fatty molecule found in your blood. Cholesterol is necessary for the development of vitamins as well as the formation of cells and hormones in the body. The liver produces the cholesterol required by the body. However, even food products contribute to the formation of cholesterol. While cholesterol is vital for your body, too much of it can lead to cardiovascular disease. If you have too much cholesterol in your body, it will combine with the poisons and other dangerous compounds in your blood, resulting in plaque that adheres to the artery walls. The risk of heart attacks and heart disease grows considerably as a result of such buildups. Good Cholesterol vs. Bad Cholesterol High-density lipoprotein (HDL) is good cholesterol, while low-density lipoprotein